Course blog for Art 105.01 - Intro to Visual Thinking, Spring 2009. Patrick Kelley

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dara - pictionary

1 comment:

  1. When I first looked at these three images, I could tell that they all had a common theme somehow. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it seemed apparent that there was one. After looking at them only a little more closely, I had a hunch that the word might be "inorganic," and once I examined each one in greater detail, I believe that this is indeed the word.

    Looking at the first image, it is clear that a message is being sent. Every picture of the collage is some "USDA organic" logo that is in some way skewed or crossed out. This could be sending some sort of anti-"USDA" message or trying to express something that might be unhealthy, but in this case, I think that it actually means inorganic. I was not sure of this until looking at the other two collages.

    The second image has a lot of elements of nature in it; there is fruit, a butterfly, trees, a rabbit and some more. There is also a molecule that has one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, which, according to a quick search, is methane. All of this is covered by a giant red circle with a line through the middle, as to negate everything on the page. The message could be something like "nature sucks," but that doesn't really fit with the other two. Again, "inorganic" works here. Everything that is crossed out is organic in some way. One definition of organic is "of, or relating to, or derived from living matter." Another is "of, or relating to, or denoting compounds containing carbon." Everything here falls under this definition.

    By this point, I was pretty sure of the word and the third image just affirmed my belief. There are many pictures of metal, which is inorganic. There is also a table of elements, in which all of the elements are also inorganic. Another picture is of some sort of robotic arm, which could be inorganic on two levels. For one, it literally might have no organic compounds. Two, since it is not a real arm, it does not have life and is inorganic. The Mr. Yuk sticker also seems to fit in.

    These three images all seemed to communicate fairly well by themselves, but their meaning is not absolutely clear until they are all looked at together. I think that this was an effective project, but if I had done it, I might have had one picture composed of inorganic shapes; basically geometric shapes. Perhaps the image would also have organic, rounded, flowing shapes that would be crossed out.

    Anyways, I will be very surprised if the word is not actually "inorganic."


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